Thursday, July 17, 2008

3 Years

3 Years…

Have I grown stronger?

I looked into the mirror today and asked myself this question. Next week, I’ll be 20 years old already. Am I behaving like one? Am I doing the things that I’m supposed to do? Did I do all the things I wanted to do by 20?

The answer was clear and yet somewhat gloomy.

There are so many things yet to be done by me.

Physically, I am not any stronger than I was 3 years before.

I am definitely stronger academically. I have a desire now that burns like a wild fire. Unfortunately, it burns with not much action from me yet. I have not started revising at all and my bad habits are getting from bad to worse.

The answer was even more clear.

Overall if I don’t acquire the most important human characteristic, I consider myself to have not grown stronger at all.

Discipline is that characteristic.

As long as I don’t conquer myself and instill it in me, I will always be that little boy.

I’m not a little boy anymore. When I fall, I have to pick myself up. I cannot be emo all day and wish that things will be better. When the going gets tough, I will still smile and change the world. I want to reach my dreams now. Right now. I will take any action no matter how small to reach them. Because then, at least I’m closer to them.

I didn’t protect you the last time. Though I don’t think I will get another chance to do so, I must protect the ones dear to me the next time.

So my new motto will be:

To be stronger than I was yesterday

Phase 3: Discipline, Hajimemasho! Let’s go Setsuna!

PS: Thanks Chen Li! And you are right! If Adam can do it, so can I :)

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