Saturday, September 13, 2008

Crappy Policies

Today's work was crap, as usual. I'm used to the job cos it's easy but getting paid to take so little calls a day is a little demeaning. I'm a man who only want to get what I due deserve.

Seriously I think the company's customer policy sux big time. They better pray I don't work for their comepetitors next time. The way I see it, even though they are in a monopoly now, it is gonna collapse sooner or later. They are leaving their most important customer touch point open. The customer service center is not correlated closely to the other departments and escalations take forever to get back to.

The worse thing is, performance get measured in number of calls per minute and not the quality of the calls. Cummon! Which dumbass does that? The porno chatline only probably. Customers call in to get their problems solved. If we take that much calls a day, probably the quality of the calls are not there. When I find myself adhering to the call standards, I don't see the quality of my calls there. It's funny really. Having a customer call centre just for the customer to rant but not solve their problems effectively and efficiently. And their performance appraisal is a little screwed. I've seen other company's appraisals and they are so much better than my company's.

Well heck. I've said my piece to my superiors and if they don't listen then it's their problem. Haha ok alot of people is gonna bullshit me for this one. I'm a genius at this kinda stuff. The way they do business, it's gonna offend alot of customers. They are focusing on erecting high switching barriers for customers and not focused on retenting customers. That's why monopoly is dangerous. In my opinion, the Singapore Government should strike off their exclusitivity and get the other companies to compete with them.

Btw of course a genius like me have already come out with solutions to their problems. However with only $9 per hour pay, I don't feel obliged to feedback. Even if I do, they will not listen. Lol.

I really feel like blogging about what happened this wednesday. But I'm too tired. Gonna sleep now. Tommorrow then blog bout it.

Tomorrow exam results out. Can't wait.

And thanks Pammy, for all the fun ;)

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